Saturday, September 25, 2010

Guys, do you know ? 男人,你們懂嗎?

女人不吵了、不闹了、不叫了,就是真的不爱了 女人说要离开,是伤心了,是你让他失望了. 女人明知道你们之间没有未来,却情愿留在你身边做个普通朋友,不是她太贱,只是她舍不得 . 女人故意在你面前提到别的男人,不是她花心,只是想要刺激一下你,让你多在乎她一点 .

女人不主动打电话、发信息给你,不是不想你,是她不够自信,你接到电话、 短信时,是否也同样的想念她 . 如果女人不爱你,是不会对你发脾气的,不要报怨自己的女朋友脾气太怪,女人只对她爱的人发脾气. 女人总是在你面前假装很开心,不是她没心没肺,成天傻乐,只是为了在你面前留下最美的样子.

男人 其实你不懂。。。。。。

My 'Holiday Plans' ...

Hehhee. As you all know , is almost year end , and holiday is coming ,right? I just plan some 'holiday plans' .. :)

The 'holiday plans that i'm saying is -
i'm going to work on holiday !! hehehe , with larissa & pui yien. Going to work at a bookshop that intro by larissa . 1 month RM300-400 , nt bad le xD . hehe
Well , i'm going to earn some money so I can go hangout wif frens. & I can what I want with my own money =] .

And that's my plan xD , hehe . Well, tis is my 1st plan. Haven think others..
Hope I really get to work at there . C=