Friday, March 16, 2012

Human are greedy. When they get something better, they wont satisfied. & They want more. This is life, reality. Life is cruel. 


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A long journey to go,

My little creation & also is my twitter background now :D weeee.


1 week of holidays right now. Oh & its march already. How fast, please be well dear March. K, should stop with this kind of craps. Geeez. 

What am I going to do during the hols ? Outing with the loves of course!  Hehehe. There's a outing on last Saturday, went to sylvester's house and watch movie. Watched 2 ghost movie, & 1 comedy horny movie? Lol.
K I'm not gonna google those 2 ghost movie's pic.YES I HAVE NO GUTS. :) PROBLEM? 

The comedy movie is , American Pie Naked Miles.

Yes yes, I know. Is a horny movie. Lol K wtv :p Idc about it. I just watch it with the friends. HAHA, I can't believe I watched with my boyfriend. XD lolll. Enjoyed watching movie with them, lots of funny things happen too! HAHA. :D Oh the 2 ghost movies are Shutter, a thailand ghost movie. Fuck scary -.- & another one is 2359, Singapore movie. This was okay, better than the SHUTTER. -.- Mygod. Omitofo.
Some pictures when we're in sylvester's house,
This is william! He's super scare of ghost movie :p HAHA. He shout all the way, when there's something scary happen. Lollll
 YAP TANKER APEK, YapLiWei. (: The most steady when we watch ghost movie. Oh & also Issac! But there's no pic of him :( The 2 most steady of the day :D
Jia khai w/ szeyen's elmo.

The movie session end around 6. After that, me, larissa & xiaodi decide to go ou for our dinner. (: Sakae Sushi for dinner! Ho yeahhhh. I'm loving it. Just realize everytime go OU, when me & larissa crave for sushi, for sure SAKAE SUSHI are the first choice! Teehee. We LOVE Sakae Sushi 
A little bit of photos first, 
 Walked to Ou from Sylvester's House! Stupid dumbo don't wanna look at the camera. D:
 CAMWHORE is a daily thing for us, GIRLS. ;)
 Did you found out something similar ? 
Gossip a lot while we're waiting for food/ while we're enjoying the sushi. 

I love gossiping with them, & also love hanging around with them. They are like my family. They might be quite stupid/annoying sometimes, but still, I love them  

After that, went to buy new shoes. Weeee finally bought a new scandal! Did't take any photo of it. :( I only can describe it with the word, PURPLE. My fav color! Teehee. Thanks to the two daiB for the suggestions :p Had lots of fun on that day, but a bit of negative due to some reason. Urgh, spoil my mood a bit. :( Geez. Wtv. Just remember, I HAD FUN ON THIS SATURDAY. :D FUCK YEAH. 
I think I starting to like meme&troll faces :p haha.

6 more days, 4 months. 
Wow, time do really pass fast huh? What happen to us during this 3 months? 
Lots of things happen. Jealousy kills, misunderstood maybe. & also sweet things. ;) Our relationship increases day by day, hours by hours, minutes by minutes, seconds by seconds. I enjoyed every moment we be together. I hope every of the moment just stay there. 
Due to relationship increases, we missed each other so badly. 1 week, left few more days to go. & then we only can meet each other. Everything is due to patient. We must be patient, darling. I miss you. 

PS: Sorry for the sweet section, hope you guys wont get diabetes :P teeehee. 

Thursday, March 1, 2012


Macam yes. teeehee.

Its been 1 month that I've update my blog. Yes, my blog is dead. Super dead. Omitofo. 

Lots of things happen during Feb, & today is the first of march. Hello march. ;) Please be good. * follow the trend of gretting a new month. * Band concert has end. At first, I thought there's nothing to do anymore. I feel so lifeless, no target at all. Then, tons of homeworks come and find me. I dislike you lah! Y you come find me. URGHH. I have lots of undone homeworks. I'm so lazy this year, no ones motivate me. Nothing motivates me. Feel so lifeless, again. Sigh. 

Starting to like desire HD camera. hehe so clear

A new relationship has born. 
This relationship, I have no comment on it. Just, is better than the last one I guess. I hope it will last long, perhaps, it will? I have no confidence on it. As you all know, i'm a girl who lack of confidence! :( 

Exam is just next week, boohoo. I haven even start study yet, slap me please. I'm really super lazy this year. Unlucky things happens, my wifi phone spoil, & so do my computer too. :( Geeez. The computer, thanks to my bro/sis! -.- Not blaming, just saying. 

Sometimes, I feel like living this house. So stresss. Some help me :\