Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A long journey to go,

My little creation & also is my twitter background now :D weeee.


1 week of holidays right now. Oh & its march already. How fast, please be well dear March. K, should stop with this kind of craps. Geeez. 

What am I going to do during the hols ? Outing with the loves of course!  Hehehe. There's a outing on last Saturday, went to sylvester's house and watch movie. Watched 2 ghost movie, & 1 comedy horny movie? Lol.
K I'm not gonna google those 2 ghost movie's pic.YES I HAVE NO GUTS. :) PROBLEM? 

The comedy movie is , American Pie Naked Miles.

Yes yes, I know. Is a horny movie. Lol K wtv :p Idc about it. I just watch it with the friends. HAHA, I can't believe I watched with my boyfriend. XD lolll. Enjoyed watching movie with them, lots of funny things happen too! HAHA. :D Oh the 2 ghost movies are Shutter, a thailand ghost movie. Fuck scary -.- & another one is 2359, Singapore movie. This was okay, better than the SHUTTER. -.- Mygod. Omitofo.
Some pictures when we're in sylvester's house,
This is william! He's super scare of ghost movie :p HAHA. He shout all the way, when there's something scary happen. Lollll
 YAP TANKER APEK, YapLiWei. (: The most steady when we watch ghost movie. Oh & also Issac! But there's no pic of him :( The 2 most steady of the day :D
Jia khai w/ szeyen's elmo.

The movie session end around 6. After that, me, larissa & xiaodi decide to go ou for our dinner. (: Sakae Sushi for dinner! Ho yeahhhh. I'm loving it. Just realize everytime go OU, when me & larissa crave for sushi, for sure SAKAE SUSHI are the first choice! Teehee. We LOVE Sakae Sushi 
A little bit of photos first, 
 Walked to Ou from Sylvester's House! Stupid dumbo don't wanna look at the camera. D:
 CAMWHORE is a daily thing for us, GIRLS. ;)
 Did you found out something similar ? 
Gossip a lot while we're waiting for food/ while we're enjoying the sushi. 

I love gossiping with them, & also love hanging around with them. They are like my family. They might be quite stupid/annoying sometimes, but still, I love them  

After that, went to buy new shoes. Weeee finally bought a new scandal! Did't take any photo of it. :( I only can describe it with the word, PURPLE. My fav color! Teehee. Thanks to the two daiB for the suggestions :p Had lots of fun on that day, but a bit of negative due to some reason. Urgh, spoil my mood a bit. :( Geez. Wtv. Just remember, I HAD FUN ON THIS SATURDAY. :D FUCK YEAH. 
I think I starting to like meme&troll faces :p haha.

6 more days, 4 months. 
Wow, time do really pass fast huh? What happen to us during this 3 months? 
Lots of things happen. Jealousy kills, misunderstood maybe. & also sweet things. ;) Our relationship increases day by day, hours by hours, minutes by minutes, seconds by seconds. I enjoyed every moment we be together. I hope every of the moment just stay there. 
Due to relationship increases, we missed each other so badly. 1 week, left few more days to go. & then we only can meet each other. Everything is due to patient. We must be patient, darling. I miss you. 

PS: Sorry for the sweet section, hope you guys wont get diabetes :P teeehee.